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Custom-build: Aircraft jack tester

Custom-build: Aircraft jack tester


A special request

We were initially contacted by a client from the aero-industry, with a very specific need. Actually, so specific that we had to design it from scratch – like we’ve done many times before.

Some aircrafts need support underneath the wings, when not in service. To support wings it is very common to use a large scale jack – but what if the jack isn’t calibrated right? Well, you might damage the wing construction – knock on wood.

At Vetec, we never leave anything to chance – so we started developing a jack testing unit, which enables our client to easily calibrate jacks in their own hangar.



A special request

Initial steps

All custom-builds starts off with a clear understanding of specifications and usage. From here, we take all information to the drawing board – more specifically, our in-house product developer’s 3D software.

The rendition of a prototype provides all parties with a common understanding of both the processes and the final product. Concerns may be addressed at an early stage and changes can be made prior the actual building process. In this case, we were able to add a 1:1 3D-model of the client’s jacks, providing essential insights and complete reassurance.



Initial steps

The build

Vetec has a history of building custom units and our in-house specialists manage every step of the process – this case was no exception:

  • 3D sketching
  • Blueprint finalization
  • Metal works and welding
  • Component installation:
    •  Wire-operated controls
    •  Shear beam load cells
    •  Display box installation
    •  Ergonomic control handles
    •  Heavy duty lifting column
  • Pre-delivery test
  • Custom finish
  • Manuals and documentation
  • Delivery, testing and training on-site




The build

Delivery and training

To guarantee the best product experience we go the extra mile. The unit was delivered, installed and tested at the client’s hangar – securing full functionality on-site.

A custom-build is only valuable to the client, if staff members are comfortable using it. At delivery, we provided training for staff members with thorough demonstrations and hands-on sessions. The on-site training enables us to go through every process and scenario as well as answer essential questions right away.

The jack testing unit was delivered prior to the agreed deadline along with all documentation, certificates and manuals.

Delivery and training

Behind the scenes: Aircraft jack tester

Henrik Jensen

Henrik Jensen

Product Manager
Mail: Direkte nr: +45 3226 5085 Mobil: +45 2845 5198
Tina Sørensen

Tina Sørensen

Customer service
Mail: Direkte nr: +45 3226 5071 Mobil: +45 3123 7148
Jürgen Maier

Jürgen Maier

Area Sales Manager - Germany
Mail: Direkte nr: +49 (0) 162 6875418
Lars Petersen

Lars Petersen

Mail: Direkte nr: +45 3226 5082 Mobil: +45 4016 6404